Friday, 19 November 2010

How exciting!

What an interesting week!  I posted up pics from the show last week on Facebook and have picked up a couple of commissions for booties.  Yesterday I popped on a picture of my cushions at rest before their next outing and hey presto!  More enquiries which I hope to make into orders.

And I have now started my job search in earnest and have my first interview next week.

Tomorrow, I will be taking more pics for ebay, etsy and folksy, let's hope that the light is good!

Sunday, 14 November 2010

The show

Well, I woke up at 6.00am and was well and truly ready to go, even though I was awaiting a late delivery of cushions at 7.30am.. I was done with stuffing by 7.45 am.

The organisation was brilliant, I was not in the main hall but in an ante room which you had to  through in order to get there.  Real lucky stroke, I was given an extra table and here is how it looked.

Booties and bags flew off but cushions were disappointing ... :(  Maybe they will go better in t'internet, not worried about the quality but would have made it a 10/10 event if I had sold just one cushion.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Working hard

OK, I am now officially in panic mode.  It is just about a week before my first show and I don't think I will have enough stuff ready... Argh!

This was the situation at the end of last week but I have now sewn all of these up and I am now up to 35 pairs of booties and aiming for 40.

Bags are coming on a pace and I should have another another bunch completed over the weekend, taking me past the 20 mark.

I am also going to be making some felt bunting over the weekend for my stall, using light mauve as the background, with silver letters and gingham ribbon to hang them from... the pinking shears will be exhausted!

Have just ordered some more ticking to make a few more of these, although I have to say I have not completed three of the boats and will post the completed cushion shortly.