Saturday, 18 December 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

I am sat in my living room looking out at the snow through the branches of my Christmas tree, we have had about 5 " in just two hours.  Am thinking about whether I finish a cardigan I am making for a friend or if I should do some embroidery on another gift?  I want to do both!

Now, do you hide your half finished projects?  I have just looked in a cupboard and found a sweater for a little girl, half sewn up but I really don't remember knitting it... what am I like?

Saturday, 11 December 2010

My Rag Wreath and how to make it

I am trying to be really good this year and make as many gifts as possible... so then I thought how can I save money on my wreath?  Well I have to confess each year I have picked up a couple of Christmas fat quarters in the local fabric shop and then I think, what am I actually going to make with this?  The obvious answer is a rag wreath.
  • You will need a wreath shape, I chose a heart shaped wreath from Goods and Chattels, a lovely local shop -  and a selection of festive fabrics from your stash bag.
  • Cut your fabrics into 12 - 14" strips between 1 - 2.5" wide, I used pinking shears which means that the fabric will not fray and gives the fabric an interesting finish.

  • Take a strip and tie it to the wreath using a reef knot.

  •  Build up your strips, tying them next to each other and using a selection of festive fabrics

  • You will see from the back of the work that it quickly covers the wreath

  • Keep working round until the whole wreath is finished.
  • Run a ribbon through the wreath to hang it on your front door.

  • Stand well back and accept the compliments.  The wreath took me approximately two hours from beginning to end and I have to admit to sneaking in a mince pie while I sorted out my fabric and outsinging Annie Lennox as I worked.