Sunday, 10 June 2012

To Wit, To the Loo - Carrie's Owl Door Stop Tutorial

People often ask how I come up with ideas for my weekly tutorial, sometimes it is something I spot in a shop which sets me off, other times it can be an article or even a comment from a friend... but this week I surpassed myself... the idea came to me when I was sitting on the loo!  I have to admit, I like patterned loo paper, don't ask me why, I just do.  Anyway, I ripped a couple of sheets off the roll and found myself staring at an owl, yes, you heard me, the loo paper has owls all over it... so that is where the idea came from...
So let's get started, you will need:
A piece of fabric 6.5" wide by 18" long
A contrasting scrap of fabric and the same amount of iron on interfacing
12" of ric rac braiding
Scissors and/or rotary cutter, cutting mat and rule
Pins, cotton, embroidery cotton and a needle
Paper, wine glass or large cup
Scraps of felt
A bag of rice
A fish knife
A penny
Air erasable pen
Iron and ironing board
Cut out your main piece of fabric, fold over 3.5" at one end, then fold the other end over so it measures 6.5" (it will overlap by an inch) leaving the piece at the back measuring 8".  Press it into place.
Now, take your glass and draw around it, then measure the diameter of the circle and make a dot the same distance from the edge of the circle.  Now draw a line to each side of the circle, it will look like a big tear, but when we cut it in half down the centre and you have created a pair of wings for your owl.

Pin the pattern pieces onto your contrasting fabric and cut them out.  Now, lay them on top of you interfacing an iron it on.  Cut away the excess interfacing and pin the wings in place on the long side of the fabric, I placed mine two inches above the short fold (which is on the other side) and sew it into place staying as close to the edge as you can.  Next take your ric rac braiding and place it over the raw stitched edge of the wing... do not worry about the braid only being able to go in straight lines, it will happily ease around the curves.  Pin it in place and now sew it down.
Decide what colour you want your owl's eyes to be, I chose a chocolate brown, pop two pennies onto the felt and draw around them.  Put the felt circles where you feel they look right for your eyes.  I sewed them in place using an embroidery thread, come up through the middle and go to 12 o'clock sew into the back, then back up through the middle and sew down to six o'clock, repeat then for three and nine o'clock.  Now do the same between each of these stitches (eight in total)... hmmm, the middle looks a bit uninspiring, so finish it with a little french knot.  Now, repeat this for the other eye.
For the beak cut out a square about an inch wide, fold it diagonally, place it beneath the eyes and sew it from corner to corner... now your owl is almost there.
Pin the ends together, leave a 3" gap in the middle and sew a half inch seam on each side.
Now pin the sides together and sew a 5/8" seam.  Check where your eyes are, because this is the top of the doorstop.  Mark in 1/2" down the side seam and across the top fold and another dot an inch from the side seam on both sides, draw up from the side to the dot on the fold, the down to the next dot, draw a line across to the dot on the other side and create the other triangles ... you have just marked out the ears, sew along the line and trim it close to the seam.
At the bottom of the owl, we are going to create a base like we did with Deborah's tote bag, iron open the seam and use the seam to bisect the triangle you have created, sew it an inch from the point and sew it across twice and trim off the excess.
Now turn your owl right sides out, use the fish knife to poke out the ears and the base.
Fill the door stop with rice (you will be relieved to know I did not use the risotto rice in the picture but a cheaper rice), fill it and then poke your fingers in there as you will probably be able to pop in about a quarter more.  
Pin the opening together and slip stitch it in place.
Set your owl on the floor and let it do its job.
You are probably wondering why it is called Carrie's owl, well I sat next to her at my last job and she loved owls, and is a wonderful artist as well as mother, also she had some of the best asides I have ever heard... and if she is not careful she may find one winging its way to her!

Now on  you go over to Wendy's Handmade Monday and see what everyone has been doing during the past week.  I missed posting last weekend because I was busy celebrating my birthday at our Jubilee Street Party.


Unknown said...

I love your fabric colors! Your tutorial is great. One more thing added to my must-make list.

Anonymous said...

You are so clever! I love him :)

Nicki Tustin said...

such a lovely item, I would love to attempt one of these, he is cute.

Fiddly Fingers said...

Lovely tutorial as usual. He is so very cute!

Myth Illogical said...

Great tutorial. Where on earth can you get owl toilet roll from?!

Anonymous said...

Fab tutorial and intrigued to know where you got the toilet roll from?!

Tickled Pink said...

Owl toilet roll - hilarious!! Fab tutorial as ever! He's fab!

CatkinJane said...

Not sure I could cope with owls on the loo roll, but the tutorial is great as ever :)

Martha said...

oh Ros! how cute this owl is! thank you for sharing this tutorial
ha ha your toilet paper (never seen any like yours!) is too nice to rip or use LOL

Free Spirit Designs said...

fabulous tutorial, i especially love the eyes on the owl :)

what fun to have owl loo roll! i can't imagine where you get it from but it must be a fun talking point when visitors encounter it for the first time! :)

Kazies Magical Designs said...

great tutorial love the inspiration never seen loo roll like that before xxx

Carolee Crafts said...

So pretty and I love the loo paper and not surprised it gave you inspiration.

Helen said...

That is stonking! Love it!

Christmas Pie Crafts said...

I'm with you on the patterned loo paper - why have some ordinary plain stuff. the owl is great and another well planned tutorial. Many thanks. Hope you have a good week.

Wendy said...

I totally love him. Where do you shop for your loo paper? I have never seen anything like it!!

Ali said...

What a great doorstop. Your owl toilet rolls a hoot. I have never seen anything like it. Its surprising where inspiration strikes. Ali x

Highland Monkey's said...

What, you got owl loo paper! Wow, where do you get that? All tho, I bet I wouldn't be able to use it for what it's intended!!
Great little owl he's megga cute.

Pickle Lily said...

Fabb tutorial! I'm with the others - where did you get that great loo roll from!? Much too good to use, just to admire! Have a good week - and a belated happy birthday.
Jo x

stylesofcooking said...

Ha ha how posh are you with owl loo roll!!Greatest thoughts often happen on the loo!
Great tute as always, owl looks fab.
Have made your lemon curd in this weeks recipe on my blog, it was easy and quite lovely. Many thanks to you for the recipe. Lisa x

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely adorable! And where do you find such humorous toilet paper? I don't think I've ever seen such a thing

Little Harriet said...

That toilet roll is fab! I'd want to frame it not use it :) Great tutorial as ever. :)


Jan said...

love the loo roll, I have some with crossword puzzels on and some with flowers but I've never seen owl ones. A great tutorial once again and belated happy birthday wishes.

Jan x

Janet said...


Your tutorial is cute and great and very detailed, keep up the great work.

have a blessed day


Anonymous said...

Oh no I didn't know there was toilet paper with owls on it. I'd really love to have it. Just to look at, though! I live in Stockholm and here in Sweden we are into white ltoilet paper as a part of our minimalistic style. Your owl looks very wise and kind of flower powerful at the same time. Of course...after inspirational moments in the loo. Great tutorial, too.

Anonymous said...

Now I know:Ros made it! I mean the owl print on the toilet paper.There simply can't be such a thing like owl print toilet paper. Love your door stop. It is awesome. Keep up the good work! Anna

Unknown said...

This is cute! :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing! Too freakin' cute.

Liyana Z said...

Amazing owl!