Sunday, 2 October 2011

BOGOF Christmas Tutorial no 6 - Pop Can Jewellery

As we are living in straitened times and not to be outdone by the big Supermarkets, I have decided to enter the world of BOGOF (Buy One, Get One Free) or more accurately GOGAT (Get One, Get Another Too).  So this week, you are getting two tutorials, the first is for Pop Can Jewellery and the other is for an Origami box to put it in.  

Pop Can Bracelet, Necklace or Earrings

Empty Pop Can
Pair of Kitchen Scissor
Fine metal thread or Invisible thread or a Fishing Line
Map Pin
Emery Board
Findings to close the bracelet
Drink the contents of the can and wash it out.  To start cutting the can, taking great care, stab one of the blades into the top of the can and cut around the can lid.  
Then cut down the can and cut around the base, you now have a rectangle to work with.
Place the metal in the punch and punch out your shapes... the metal is actually thinner than some of the heavier papers used in card making and will cut quite easily.

Using your emery board, run it around the edges to smooth off any sharp or jagged edges.
Lay out your shapes and using the map pin, punch through to make a hole on each side of the shape, use the emery board again to smooth off the excess.
Decide the order that the shapes will sit in your bracelet, then lace through with the thread of your choice making sure that longer piece of thread sits behind the bracelet... remember to leave a long tail before you start so you can weave it into your closing findings.

And ta daaaaaaaaa... there it is, your incredibly green and recycled bracelet.

Now if you want a box to put it into take a look here..

Also go take a look at Handmade Monday and see what everyone has been up to.


adaliza said...

That's unusual. Would look great on cards, or could make Christmas tree decorations too I guess.

Carolee Crafts said...

A good idea ,very modern and efective

lovetartan said...

Great idea - looks good on.

Christmas Pie Crafts said...

What a great idea - I have strings of small glass mirrors hanging in my tress and when the sun catches them, they look very pretty. Your pop can idea could be used for something similar.

Wendy said...

Fabulous idea, I can see lots of variations on this!

Yarn Dependent Me said...

I'm going to have a butt-load (thats a new metric unit) of diet coke jewelry now....I love them! Thanks!

Susie said...

Oh, I like that! We saw something made out of a soda can the other day, I can't recall what it was, but I thought it was so cool. But not as cool as this!

Kat Shenton said...

Excellent idea, and fantastic tute! They would look great on mass on a white tree!

Fiona said...

Ros, you made me think of my dad who started railway modelling with tin cans sometime after the second world war.
Lovely and ingenious