Saturday, 9 June 2012

I took the weekend off to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee

... and boy did I have fun!
We had our street party scheduled for Sunday, well actually it was four streets East, West, North and Alexandra and as I woke up I knew that was not the sound of fluttering bunting that I could hear, Oh no that was good old British rain... and there was no stinting on that weather front!  Bunting was strung from houses and then the committee got together to talk about Plan B... the wet weather solution... Thank goodness we had one!
And here is my sister who finally got to go to a street party, albeit a wet one!
We were able to use the drive way of one of the houses which was covered and with the aid of a large number of gazebos, we were good to go... and then the food started to arrive.
There were savoury tables and in addition to my sausage rolls, I made a Union Jack sausage, egg and Branston Pickle loaf... rather proud of the fact that it came out of the loaf tin in one piece :)
I love this pie,if you would like me to share the recipe, just let me know.

Then came the sweet table... cupcakes, Union Jack cakes, jellies and a number of trifles.  I made one of my faves which is a great way to use up those jars of fruits soaked in alcohol that you get at Christmas and you just don't know what to do with them.  If you want the recipe for that, let me know and I will put it up, it's the white dish at the end covered in toasted almonds.
And one of the most popular guests for photo ops was, Charlie who is a rather handsome cross English with American bulldog, which means he is a four stone hunk of gorgeousness.
Now one of the best local shop windows belonged to local cake makers Fancy Nancy Cakes, from the crown on the top to the corgies peeing on the leg of the guardsman, there was so much detail in this cake and it made me laugh.
Although the cake sculpture of the Queen was amazing.
So, really after all the fun we had last weekend, there is nothing really left to say but, God Save the Queen!


Ali said...

Glad to see the rain didn't dampen your fun. All the food looks delicious. I'd really like to see the recipe for your pie, the union jack on the top is fab. Ali x

KC'sCourt! said...

Glad you all had fun.
Yes please to the pie recipe
Julie xxxxxxx

Caroline Lovis (Redneedle) said...

'Happy and glorious.....!' Your display looks amazing as does the dazzling array of nibbly goodness. Glad you had fun x

Lyn said...

Superb plan B! Erecting those gazebos must have been rewarding - it's great when a community pulls together.

The food looks amazing - I've just dribbled into my keyboard.

Fiddly Fingers said...

It's lovely when everyone works together and things turn out just the way you want them to. Despite the weather!