Sunday, 21 August 2011

And So to Bed... with an Hour to Spare

The Alpaca bed socks for my friend are now finished... she has tiny size 3 feet which will be very snug this Winter, added to which this multi-coloured wool is in her colours, turquoise, mauve and purple.  It is actually a combination of two sock patterns and what I really love about it is the name of one of the stitches used on the heel - eye of partridge - isn't that a lovely romantic name for a stitch? *  It creates a thicker piece of knitting around the heel so that it does not rub through.
And by this time next week I will have finished this dress from October's copy of Making Magazine, which I am making for my friend Alissa.  We went to choose the material  from Belle Fabrics and I think she will look great in it, she is size 8, pretty and nice... don't you just hate young people  :)
Hmmm... can you imagine the background being a tad more
purple... cos my auto-correct can't!
Now did you know that currently doing something that 8.3 million people still can't do - yep, 8.3 million people have never accessed the internet.  Think about it, never sent an email, tweeted, read or posted a blog, skyped, IM'd, bought a book online, paid a bill online or downloaded music for an i-pod... not sure about you but currently I don't go a day without doing at least one of the above.  
On Friday, I met someone from Race Online 2012 which is an organisation set up to try and encourage even more people to go online by the end of 2012.  Later this year they have a campaign to make us use the extra hour when the clocks go forward called Go on Give an Hour which asks you to introduce someone new to the internet.  Now working on the principle, that you are all busy people so you will do it, why not consider signing up to do this as a Digital Champion?  

So I am making up a list of half a dozen websites that I would show someone who is new to the internet:
1stuniquegifts and Handmade Monday because Wendy's site is a great read and a brilliant portal to other crafters
Ravelry - A knitters paradise with patterns, advice and yarn sources
BBC - I love news, I love the BBC and I love being able catch up with viewing and listening
Google - A website which became a verb and is like having an Encyclopedia Britannica by your side without lugging round all 26 volumes
Hotmail - My form of email communication
UK Governors - I have been a school governor for over 20 years and this group always have the answer no matter what the question and unlike other services there is someone around to give an opinion even at weekends.

Now I have told you mine, share yours with me in your comments... naturally all your blogs and websites are a given!

*Eye of Partridge worked over four rows
Row 1 - Knit
Row 2 -  Purl
Row 3 - K1, Slip 1, repeat to the end of the row K1
Row 4 - Purl 1


Wendy said...

Well, thank you so much for putting me in your list with the big and mighty!!

I'd love to introduce my mum (aged 84) to the internet - and she'd love it. Am held back because of my dad who's memory is failing & he's now falling victim to postal scams - I would be terrified of him accessing th internet.

My mum is interested in getting a Kindle though!

PS - love those socks! x

Unknown said...

I love the socks and can't wait to see the dress.
I have shown my mum my website but she has no interest in learning how to use a PC or using the internet.
My dad just can't get the hang of anything techy, he can't even get the messages on his mobile. He used to be able to strip a car down and re-build it but he's not really interested in the net.

Jennie said...

The socks look so snuggly! I'm itching for Autumn and the return of snuggly socks! x

Anonymous said...

Love the socks! Knitting is on my list of things to learn!

bebebubu said...

Love the socks too. It is hard to imagine with no Internet. Internet plays a big part of my life. My mum does know how to surf the web but that about it. She doesn't know how to use email.

Carolee Crafts said...

Must be the odd one out as don;t know anyone who does not use the net but if I find someone will give and hour.

Love the socks and thank you for the pattern tip.

A said...

Love the colours on the socks and the thicker heel part is a very good idea!
If I were to show someone the wonders of the internet for the first time, Google would be at the top of the list - as you say, google has become an adjective and for a very good reason!
The other five sites would be hotmail, amazon, crafts forum uk, etsy
and this wonderful blog
If you haven't yet seen it, treat yourself to a visit, the photography is wonderful.

Annie and Lyn said...

Oh boy! I hit the wrong button when submitting the above comment and it shot off before I could finish the address - I bet you're wondering who 'A' is!

Helen said...

You're not alone Caroline i don't know anyone who doesn't use the internet either!
I am surprised no-one's mentioned facebook!
The socks are fab!

Anne - Imagination Beads said...

Love the socks. As far as I know, everyone I know already uses the Internet, although a few years ago I used to spend half a day a week doing voluntary work teaching people how to use the Internet. It opens up a whole new world. I think once you can use Google then you can find any site you want.

SimJaTa said...

Love those cosy socks, very envious. My Mum is a wizz on the internet and she is 73 does everything on line now.
Funny we were chatting to one of the old chaps on our dog walk today, trying to get him signed up he is a clever man and thinks he wont be able to do it, we are busy working on him.


Sam Findlay said...

Great socks! Your friend is going to love them! Also the dress is going to be gorgeous, can't wait to see it finished!

Kat Shenton said...

Oh my god! I love those socks. I'm a huge fan of big socks and these are great.

Just realised that made me sound weird. I mean snuggly socks as I call them. ;)

Mrs A. said...

I've actualy knitted that stitch pattern in the past and never realised it had that name before. Thanks for sharing. Hugs Mrs A.

Jan said...

I tried to get a couple of 'older' family members on but they don't understand about the importance of security and are so trusting they would fall prey to any scam going. They still use their laptop but only for finding information through google and listening to music on 'you tube'

The socks are brilliant.
Auto correct can be a pain with some colours and even doing colour balance etc can't get it right with some colours.:o)

Jan x

Susie said...

Dress is to die for! Wish I would look like that model in it! I don't know about the internet, I kind of think I should spend less time! LOL I feel guilty every time I get someone started on it!

deborahweston said...

As the receiver of the snuggly socks I can't wait for the cool nights (which won't be long) then I can test them out.

My top five internet sites would be:

Trip advisor
BBC news

Would be happy to give up an hour of my time to help, but don't know anyone who doesnt know how to surf the web.

Martha said...

your pair of socks is so cute and cosy! a must-have for winters!
love the colours you used for these socks.

the dress you're making is a fab design! so desirable!

jfb57 said...

Hello you! I had no idea you were a blogger! Love the socks. Will look at the Race links!